MihanZaj LLC, Co ho t broker di tributing agricultural input of the entire country under the au pice of Jihad Agriculture Service Organization with the pre ence of the director of the province of Tehran Mr Rahanjam wa arranged for cientific vi it and how to prepare and produce pota ium ulfate fertilizer With the annual production of 20,000 ton of powdered and granular pota ium ulfate fertilizer with tandard qualitie , the company ha taken a new tep toward upporting agricultural production in IRAN By creating a ecure production ...(Read More)
Pota ium (K) fertilizer i commonly added to improve the yield and quality of plant growing in oil that are lacking an adequate upply of thi e ential nutrient Mo t fertilizer K come from ancient alt depo it located throughout the world The word “pota h” i a general term that mo t frequently refer to pota ium chloride (KCl), but it al o applie to all other K-containing fertilizer , uch a pota ium ulfate (K2SO4, commonly referred to a ulfate of pota h, or SOP) Production Pota ium i a relatively abundant element in the Earth’ cru t, and ...(Read More)
MihanZaj LLC, Co ha announced the ucce ful tartup of it modern ulfuric acid plant The plant ha a production capacity of 300 tpd of ulfuric acid and i the large t with uch facility It will treat 106 000 ton of acid per year from the whole cale refinery plant operated in Iran It ha al o been a deciding factor that both the energy efficiency and the heat recovery of the proce are very high The company predict that it will decrea e CO2 emi ion by 80 000 tpy and SO2 emi ion to a level that i 50% lower than that required by the ulfuric acid ...(Read More)
One of the bigge t project in MihanZaj hi tory i a turn-key project for aluminum ulphate production plant in Iran with capacity of 15000 tpy of product in olid form of flake Production proce i ba ed on the kaolin a raw material and ulphuric acid Within thi project Mihanzaj wa re pon ible for proce technology and know-how, ba ic and detail multi branch de ign for production ection Scope of de ign included a well accompanying in tallation and auxiliary unit for future planned expan ion of a chemical complex compri ing a factory for the production of ...(Read More)